We celebrated Evan's birthday with a trip to the zoo...he'd never been. Considering that he's the youngest, he's gotten to do lots of things, we've just never taken him to the zoo.
He's so excited that being five means starting school next fall!
He braved his Dr. appointment a few weeks before his birthday like a pro. When the nurse said "That's all, the Dr. will be right in", he turned to me with an incredulous "But what about my shots?". No way was he going to get slighted out of the first-you-get-shots-then-we'll-get-ice-cream promise!
She assured him that she'd be back after the Dr. was done to take care of those...so he got his shots and his ice cream!
We had a picnic lunch outside the zoo...
Clayton and Andrew helped make it an extra fun day for their little brother...and kept us going the right direction.
Can't believe our "baby" is 5...
~Daddy and his girl~
More than anything Evan wanted to see a hippo. He got his wish and I was kind of amazed that he found it so interesting considering it just lays there under the water with only an occasional lifting of his head to breath.
Andrew's bright idea...let's all pile on top of Clayton!
He thought the animal walls throughout the zoo were extra fun.
Riding the train around the zoo
In the tunnels by the meerkats
Evan thought it was so hilarious that Daddy would rather not hang out by the tank with the anaconda and chose instead a bench across the way.
Riding the carousel before heading down to the Wharf for dinner and then off to the airport to pick up Grandpa and Grandma~